
The power of partnerships

We believe that success comes from close collaborations founded on a shared vision to develop innovative medicines for patients that suffer from diseases with high unmet needs. We build strong networks around our collective expertise and experience that work together for the benefit of our patients.

As a privately owned, mid-sized pharmaceutical company with strong R&D and commercial capabilities, we are a natural partner for businesses looking to bring projects successfully to market. Our tireless commitment to innovation drives us to actively seek close working relationships with like-minded businesses. Experience tells us that a project’s success is hinged on a well-connected network that welcomes the expertise and experience of others and invites positive communication.


Our partnering model is built on:

  • an integrated business development and licensing (BD&L) approach – from target identification and project development to project implementation;
  • broad market screening and scouting for new opportunities through dedicated teams;
  • thorough due diligence and fast processes;
  • state-of-the-art deal-making, applying all typical deal types and offering classical as well as innovative deal structuring;
  • professional deal implementation and cooperation through a dedicated Strategic Alliance Management function.

Partner with us

Working with partners is the best way to achieve our vision of a world free of pain. Learn more about our partnering approach and our latest deals on our global website.

Partner with us

Get in touch

We are keen to hear new ideas and discover assets that are relevant to our business. If you are interested in partnering with us, get in touch.
Contact us
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